OTAKU Series by Cecile Maxi ('23): A Review of Seven Deadly Sins

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Otaku is a Japanese word that refers to a person who has hobby-related interests that might be regarded as obsessive, particularly in the fields of anime and manga. I chose the name “Otaku” for this series because anime has become a part of my routine since last year — according to my mom, since my birthday invitation cards were related to anime, my love for anime is my new obsession. The series will not only be reviews about famous anime but also about little details that make the anime different or reasons I believe it should be watched. I hope the series will give you lots of information and a reason to continue (or start!) watching anime.

This is the first review in Cecile’s Otaku series. Check out her take on Seven Deadly Sins:

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins

You have probably heard of the seven deadly sins in the Bible: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. But have you heard of their criminal counterparts in the anime Seven Deadly Sins? With only three seasons, the shonen Seven Deadly Sins is the funniest and most interesting anime I have watched over the past months. Unlike Hunter x Hunter, where an outsider has to outdo himself to be the best version of himself, the story base of  Seven Deadly Sins is very different. In the anime, seven dangerous criminals on the loose—who, before, were seven legendary knights—have to thwart a conspiracy plotted by the holy knights against the royalty. What makes the story unique is that each of them has one of the seven deadly sins innate to their personality. For example, Meliodas has the sin of wrath, Ban the sin of greed. Despite being knights, some of them have powers and some of them don’t, but that’s not the important part because you will be too busy trying to keep up with the fights and understanding the love story going on between the different characters. Despite the fact that I enjoy watching anime because of the breathtaking fights and the amazing bond between the characters, I also enjoy a good happy ending series. This is why I continued watching Seven Deadly Sins after the first season. I wanted to know if Meliodas, the main character, will have a happy ending with Elizabeth. And let me tell you without spoiling it, that their story is incredible and transcends times and space and spans decades. On a scale of one to ten, Seven Deadly Sins is a hard eight. 

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